Painting Groups
The purpose of the course is to use playfulness and meditation to rediscover the child's spontaneous joy and expression. We will also have a close look at what is stopping your creativity from blossoming.
Such courses last 3-5 days and are held in beautiful countryside homes at various places in Scandinavia.
The basic course involves intensive days where painting will be a part of your search for your innermost essence.
We use meditations, active as well as passive, in a creative, meditative environment. Various exercises - which you'll enjoy using in your daily life outside the group - support opening up your creativity.
Dance and 'sharings' are an integral part of the course.
Comments from participants in the 2006 "Oceanic Painting and Meditation" course:
"Through meditating and painting in the pine woods; I and my creation became one"
"The outlet and experience which I achieved on the island, has opened an awareness in me, which I knew I had somewhere, just where should I find it...
I came in contact with fear, anger and rage. Now it is time to examine those feelings..
I acheived a huge insight that day at the cliffs and ocean while we painted and meditated."