Liberating Painting and Meditation

Liberating Painting and Meditation

painting at the lake

Painting Groups

The purpose of the course is to use playfulness and meditation to rediscover the child's spontaneous joy and expression. We will also have a close look at what is stopping your creativity from blossoming.

Such courses last 3-5 days and are held in beautiful countryside homes at various places in Scandinavia.

The basic course involves intensive days where painting will be a part of your search for your innermost essence.

We use meditations, active as well as passive, in a creative, meditative environment. Various exercises - which you'll enjoy using in your daily life outside the group - support opening up your creativity.

Dance and 'sharings' are an integral part of the course.

Comments from participants in the 2006 "Oceanic Painting and Meditation" course:

"Through meditating and painting in the pine woods; I and my creation became one"

"The outlet and experience which I achieved on the island, has opened an awareness in me, which I knew I had somewhere, just where should I find it...

I came in contact with fear, anger and rage. Now it is time to examine those feelings..

I acheived a huge insight that day at the cliffs and ocean while we painted and meditated."

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